
It all begins with an idea. Then it ripes, grows and eventually sees the light. Read our news to stay tuned with Movhera’s latest stories.

15 April 2024.

Movhera helps the Municipality of Murça in the renovation of the Municipal Stadium

Movhera collaborated with the Municipality of Murça in the renovation of the municipal stadium, providing €27,500 in aid to replace its lighting. Thus, the Murça Municipal Stadium was equipped with “Light Emitting Diode” (LED) technology.

This allowed the replacement of existing spotlights, with high energy consumption and with serious technical anomalies, with new LED technology lighting now installed in the lighting towers, allowing a more homogeneous range and focus of light and consequently better energy efficiency, in addition financial and environmental savings.

In an informal visit, the Mayor of Murça, Mário Artur Nunes, thanked Movhera for its support and commitment to the region.

This support will certainly help Murça Sport Clube to achieve its goals!


Movhera helps the renovation of Murça’s Municipal Stadium

06 December 2023.

Movhera published an new ad in “A Voz de Trás-os-Montes” newspaper

Movhera recently published a new ad in the “A Voz de Trás-os-Montes” newspaper. The announcement refers to what Movhera does for the local development of the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region.

We are energy that generates life.


Movhera ad in A Voz de Trás-os-Montes

19 October 2023.

Movhera supports the Portuguese Red Cross in Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

As part of its Social and Corporate Responsibility Policy, Movhera decided to support, with an annual amount of twenty thousand euros, the Murça and Alijó sub-delegations and the Bragança delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross, due to the impact of these institutions on the territory and population of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

Upon application, the subsidy will be awarded to one subdelegation or several, separately or jointly, and each application may include more than one item. The subsidy will be granted annually, between 2024 and 2027.

The evaluation of applications will take into account how critical the need for investment is for the execution of the subdelegation's basic competencies; environmental sustainability and the effort for the energy transition that the proposal presents within the scope of its activity and the economic efficiency of the proposal, among other criteria.

Thanking Movhera for this initiative, the Bragança Regional Delegate of the Portuguese Red Cross states that it supports “the development of the social and humanitarian mission of the Portuguese Red Cross in the district of Bragança”.

Applications for 2024 are now open.


Movhera supports the Portuguese Red Cross in Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Photo credits: Marília Novais e Carlos Novais)

20 July 2023.

Movhera delivers vehicle to the Mirandela Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross

On 11 July, Movhera was pleased to deliver an electric vehicle to support the Mirandela Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross. This vehicle aims to support the Mirandela Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross, whose activities cover the municipalities of Mirandela, Vila Flor and Carrazeda de Ansiães, within the scope of its social and humanitarian support activities, namely, within the scope of the " Censos Sénior+" project.

 This project, which is the result of a protocol between the Portuguese Red Cross and the Territorial Command of the National Republican Guard for the district of Bragança, aims to create a structured support response, guidance and referral, aimed at elderly people living in isolation in rural areas, in a situation of fragility, without the support of family members and are not included in social and health responses by public entities or Private Institutions of Social Solidarity.

 The event was attended by Movhera's CEO, Bertrand Fauchet, with the Regional Delegate of the Portuguese Red Cross for the district of Bragança, Commander António Jorge Nunes, the President of the Board of the Red Cross of Mirandela, Nurse Ana Lopes, the Councillor of the Mirandela City Council, Vitor Correia, and a representative of the Territorial Command of the National Republican Guard for the district of Bragança, in addition to numerous volunteers from this institution. It also counted with the presence of the Orchestra and Choir of the Portuguese Red Cross of Mirandela, which presented the attendees with a thunderous performance.

This initiative only reaffirms Movhera's commitment and dedication to the development of the region of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, focusing on those most in need.

Video of the cerimony here (Credit to Carlos Novais)


Movhera delivers vehicle do Mirandela Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross (Photo credits: Marília Novais e Carlos Novais)

Movhera delivers vehicle do Mirandela Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross (Photo credits: Marília Novais e Carlos Novais)

10 May 2023.

Movhera supports the Fire Department of Torre de Moncorvo

Movhera has supported the Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Torre de Moncorvo in the renewal of its call centre. This support, amounting to 20,000 euros, was granted within the scope of the Support to Fire Brigades of the Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro territories.

This support is part of the company's Social and Corporate Responsibility Policy and is aimed at providing annual support to the Fire Brigades in Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro, particularly those in the areas where Movhera is present.

This support materialises in the attribution of an annual subsidy, with a maximum amount of 20 thousand euros, selected among the applications of the Fire Corporations of the region that are interested.

The inauguration of the call centre took place on May 5, in Torre de Moncorvo, with the presence of Bertrand Fauchet, CEO of Movhera. "We are very pleased to see the implementation of an important investment for the well-being and safety of the population of Trás-os-Montes, and to confirm the strength of the bonds with the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Torre de Moncorvo", said the CEO.


Movhera at Bombeiros de Torre de Moncorvo

04 April 2023.

Movhera supports initiatives in Baixo Sabor

Movhera has signed two protocols for two initiatives developed jointly with the Association of Municipalities of Baixo Sabor - AMBS.

The first protocol is to support the project “Junto à Terra Baixo Sabor”, an environmental education initiative for young people in the 8th year of the schools in the four municipalities of AMBS (Alfândega da Fé, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Mogadouro and Torre de Moncorvo).

The objective of this project is to transmit information about the riches and natural resources of the region to adolescents from Baixo Sabor, and to allow them to learn tools that facilitate their retention in this territory. “Movhera is very pleased to be able to participate in this project, both by supporting its funding and by participating in energy transition content, presented by Movhera and Engie employees”, says Pedro Ribeiro, Movhera's COO.

The second protocol was to support an Entrepreneurship project, which aims to allow local entrepreneurs to create or strengthen their companies, creating wealth and helping the population to remain or settle in the region. “We are very pleased to encourage and support local initiatives that bring wealth and economic dynamism to the Baixo Sabor region”, also says Pedro Ribeiro regarding this protocol.


Protocol Signature

22 December 2022.

Movhera Statement

Movhera complies with all its institutional, legal and fiscal duties, and has developed a trustful dialogue with the Municipality of Miranda do Douro and other representatives of local government and civil society institutions, and has supported and developed projects that benefit the local community.

On 25th November, to Movhera's surprise, the Municipality made public its intent to enter into a litigation against Movhera and other Parties.

In this context, Movhera does not understand the sudden change in attitude shown by elements of the Municipality of Miranda do Douro.

Facing such attitude, and waiting for a clarification of the Municipality that could restore a healthy relationship, Movhera has no choice but to put on hold new projects that it intended to develop voluntarily in the municipality to support the local community. Contrary to what has been reported, all formally assumed commitments are maintained, as well as all commitments made in other Municipalities.

Such a suspension does not undermine Movhera's commitment to the development of the Alto Douro and Trás-os-Montes region.


Miranda do Douro

13 July 2022.

Movhera and Just a Change sign partnership with Municipalities

Movhera and Just a Change have just signed a partnership protocol, regarding the 'Camp In' program, for adult volunteers, that will take place in a holiday camp, in three municipalities of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

In association with the Municipalities of Torre de Moncorvo, Miranda do Douro, and Alijó (with whom the protocol will be signed on the 25th July), this partnership will promote the reconstruction of fourteen houses, during the month of August. Under the motto 'Rehabilitate Houses and Rebuild Lives', this project will commit to 15 intense days of work in homes of needy families, mobilization, and conviviality with the local community, always with a lively and relaxed spirit.

Just a Change is a non-profit association that rebuilds homes of people in need, in Portugal.
So far, they have rebuilt hundreds of homes and institutions, mobilizing thousands of volunteers inside and outside the country.  This association is involved in several intervention programs that allow it to be relevant in various contexts in parallel, thus enhancing social impact and social cohesion in local communities.

"For Movhera, this agreement demonstrates our willingness to contribute to the development and fight against energy and housing poverty in the Region of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. We therefore plan to help mobilize local agents, to signal cases of housing poverty and apply the criteria of Just a Change to select the cases that will be the target of intervention, supporting projects that contribute to the development of the region and the creation of better living conditions", says Bertrand Fauchet, CEO of Movhera.


Miranda do Douro

Torre de Moncorvo

24 May 2022.

Movhera carries out a bike tour in Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

Last weekend, from the 20th to the 22nd of May, Movhera organized a bike tour that passed through the 6 assets of the Company and to which Movhera employees, Engie, Mirova and Crédit Agricole Assurance were invited.

There were 300 km of a tour that included several stops in locations close to the dams owned by Movhera, with several of the mayors and local populations welcoming the cyclists with the famous hospitality of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

In addition to getting to know the region better, the tour took participants to discover the unique heritage of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and the typical gastronomy of the region.


20 May 2022.

Movhera supports fire departments in the region of its hydroelectric assets

Movhera, within the scope of its Social and Corporate Responsibility Policy, will support the Fire Departments in the territories of Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro, in particular, those in the municipalities where the company is present with its hydroelectric assets: Alijó, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Miranda do Douro, Mogadouro, Sendim and Torre de Moncorvo.

As part of this support, Movhera has just signed protocols with each of the Corporations, and with ENGIE – Hidroelétricas do Douro, with the aim of providing each Corporation with the necessary training in terms of Safety, to assist the activity of Movhera and ENGIE – Douro hydroelectric plants. After the signature, a visit was made to the central of Foz Tua with representatives of the fire brigades.

In addition to these protocols, Movhera will annually award a subsidy in the maximum amount of €20,000.00 (twenty thousand euros), to corporations that propose investment projects in fire-fighting equipment. The subsidy will be awarded to one Corporation per year, upon application, and, according to criteria already defined, Movhera will choose a project, among those proposed, giving priority to those that are most critical for the exercise of the corporation's activity.

“It is a real pleasure to sign these protocols today. They are the concrete expression of our desire to contribute to the life of the territories in which we are deeply rooted”, stated Bertrand Fauchet, CEO of Movhera.

“I am confident that this framework will build strong relationships between our teams, and those of the firefighters, whose mission is fundamental to the entire community. Because we are committed to long-term support, these protocols are valid for several years”, concluded Bertrand Fauchet.


04 April 2022.

Movhera and the Association of Municipalities of Baixo Sabor sign a memorandum of understanding

Movhera and Associação de Municípios do Baixo Sabor (AMBS) have just signed a memorandum of understanding that establishes the new payment conditions for the annual environmental compensation for Baixo Sabor Fund, as well as the review of the amount of debt arising from the Complementary Agreement of 2016.

The memorandum of understanding will take effect until the end of 2025. AMBS and Movhera have agreed to negotiate the terms of a new agreement between them, which reflects the principles of this memorandum and which makes it possible to revoke the protocols previously in force.

Through this protocol, the entities agreed to increase Movhera's annual contribution to Baixo Sabor Fund, responding to the needs expressed by AMBS, to allow for greater development of projects to enhance the region.

“For Movhera, this agreement demonstrates our willingness to contribute to the development of the region. This memorandum makes possible to materialize our intention to enhance the transition to greener energy, as well as support projects that contribute to the development of the region and the creation of sustainable jobs”, says Bertrand Fauchet, CEO of Movhera.

Baixo Sabor Fund was created within the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Baixo Sabor Water Development (AHBS), with the mission of financing initiatives that promote sustainable development and the conservation of nature and biodiversity, based on the environmental valuation of natural and heritage resources in the region where the AHBS was implemented and surrounding natural areas, with particular emphasis on compensation and recovery of the environmental cost caused by the construction and operation of the AHBS.


17 December 2021.

Movhera becomes a member of ADRVT

Movhera and the Regional Development Agency of Vale do Tua signed a memorandum of understanding, under which the company was admitted as a business associate of the Association.

 This memorandum restates the commitments of Movhera to support the activities of the Agency, and in particular to make the Tua Mobility Plan project a success, under a cooperation based on mutual trust.

 The Vale do Tua Regional Development Agency currently integrates the municipalities of Alijó, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Mirandela, Murça, Vila Flor, being a non-profit association with characteristics of public utility, which aims to promote a set of initiatives capable of valuing endogenous resources and taking advantage of the opportunities created by the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Facility (AHFT).


03 September 2021.

Movhera will carry out dredging actions at the Miranda do Douro dam

As part of the implementation of its investment plan, which aims to improve the operability of its hydroelectric power plants, Movhera will soon start dredging actions at the Miranda do Douro dam.

The process chosen for dredging, which was duly evaluated and approved by the competent authorities, was designed to minimize possible environmental and landscape impacts, as well as constraints on accessibility and local transport infrastructure. All parameters relevant to the operation will be permanently subject to monitoring by duly certified entities, which will use previously approved processes. The operation is expected to be completed by the end of summer.

If any anomalous effect is detected as a result of these actions at the Miranda do Douro Hydroelectric Facility, Movhera requests this to be communicated immediately.

Movhera thanks the collaboration of the Municipality of Miranda do Douro, the Portuguese Environment Agency, I.P. and the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests, I.P..


18 August 2021.

Movhera contributes to fire prevention

As part of Fire Risk Reduction measures in the surrounding of its concessions, Movhera awarded Aflodounorte the Installation and maintenance of two Watch Towers in the Tua Region.

The first Watchtower has been delivered, and is positioned in the Micro-reserve of Abreiro. It offers excellent visibility conditions over a vast area of the Tua River valley, less visible from the National Network of Watch Posts (RNPV) installed in this region, and provides the teams hired by Movhera the operational conditions for long periods of surveillance.

Movhera is therefore proud to support fire prevention in areas where its hydroelectric assets are located, contributing to safeguarding the environment in the region.


14 July 2021.

Movhera launches version of its website in Mirandese

After moving its headquarters to Miranda do Douro, Movhera has just launched the Mirandese version of its corporate website. With this initiative, which had the collaboration of ALCM - Associação de la Lhéngua i Cultura Mirandesa, Movhera confirms its commitment to the culture and development of the region where its activity is developed.


* photo by Alcides Merinhos

08 May 2021.

Movhera welcomes projects for the rehabilitation of the quarry in Miranda do Douro

As part of its commitment to the development of the region where its concessions are located, Movhera welcomes any project that allows the rehabilitation of land related to the quarry in Miranda do Douro, created 60 years ago when the dam was built in this city.

In Movhera's opinion, this project would increase the tourist attractiveness of the area, adding another argument of attraction to the existing tourist infrastructure (such as cruise boats, pedestrian paths, etc.), which was promoted by the previous concessionaire.

In this sense, Movhera is available to actively contribute to a study to be launched, with the contribution and approval of the competent public entities, as well as it will facilitate access to the area, which is within a concession area, should it be decided to proceed with on-site jobs.


23 April 2021.

Movhera renews for 4 years its collaboration with “Grupo Nordeste” to protect environment and biodiversity

Movhera renewed for 4 years its protocol with the “Grupo Nordeste” of the 3 associations APFNT, Association of Forestal Producers of the Nordeste Transmontano region, PALOMBAR, Association of Owners of Traditional Dovecotes of the Nordeste region AND AEPGA, Association for the Study and Protection of the Asinine Cattle.

In this framework, the 3 associations will monitor and maintain Environmental Measures implemented to mitigate or compensate the impact of the Baixo Sabor and Feiticeiro pumped storages :

  • Maintenance of forested areas and their protection against fire,

  • Programs to protect species inhabiting the zone impacted by the reservoirs : birds of prey, aquatic mammals (otter, water mole), bats, wolves

16 local employees are in charge of these works.

Through these concrete actions, Movhera is proud to protect environment and biodiversity in the region where its assets are located, as well as to develop local employment.

To know more about the associations :

Nordeste 2.jpg

31 March 2021.

Movhera’s General Assembly validates the definitive registered office of Movhera

After a registration process started mid-march, the General Assembly has validated today the definitive location of the registered office of Movhera: it will be the Municipality of Miranda do Douro, close to Movhera’s assets located on the Douro International, and to Engie Hidroeletricas do Douro. By this, we are happy to confirm our commitment to the economic development of the region that is the cradle of our activity.

Barragem de Miranda do Douro.jpg

24 December 2020.

New brand Movhera sees the light.

Movhera is a newly created company that manages Portugal’s second largest hydroelectric portfolio, formerly operated by EDP. Movhera brand identity embodies carbon-neutrality, movement and dynamism. The company promotes a strict respect of the environment and believes in a strong local relationships and long-lasting partnerships with local communities and stakeholders.


17 December 2020.

ENGIE, Crédit Agricole Assurances and Mirova complete the transmission of a 1.7 GW Portuguese hydroelectric portfolio from EDP.

On December 17th, a consortium composed by ENGIE, Crédit Agricole Assurances and Mirova completed the transmission of six hydropower concessions in Portugal. Now that the deal is closed, the operation of Miranda, Picote, Bemposta, Baixo Sabor, Feiticeiro and Foz Tua is transferred to the consortium. At the same time, the new brand Movhera sees the light.
